A Guide for Men Who Never Know What to Buy Their Fiancee by Kacey Bradley

When you walk through life with your best friend and the person you love most in the world, things can be so easy. You end up learning all about each other, what you like and what you don't.

Your fiancee knows you better than anyone else, which means she probably gets you the best gifts too. What about when it's your turn to buy her a present? Even when you're in love, it can be hard to figure out what to buy for her.

Don't spend another minute worrying about gifts. Check out these eight great ideas your fiancee is sure to love.

1. Consider Her Needs

You don't need to come up with some outlandish gift if your fiancee has mentioned or seemed to need something new.

Do her rain boots leak when she steps in puddles? Does her favorite coffee cup have a chip in it? Saving her a trip to the store will add an extra layer to how much your gift means to her. Going out of your way to care for her is the perfect way to show your love.

2. Make a Photo Frame

Everyone posts pictures online, but when was the last time you printed out photos from your relationship?

Get a photo collage frame that matches your decor. Choose pictures of your favorite moments from your relationship and have them printed at a local drugstore.

Picture collages are an adorable gift you can make in a few minutes that she'll end up keeping for years to come.

3. Buy Her a Date

Think about the last time you took your fiancee out on a date. If it wasn't recently, you might want to consider going out as a gift.

Quality time is such a valuable thing to give someone. A date is an especially great idea if you both work long hours or don't see each other too often.

The key to making a date into a gift is to make it bigger and better than a regular outing. You can try something new together, like going ice skating, picking apples or visiting the state fair. Whatever she'd like to do, she'll love doing it even more with you by her side.

4. Purchase Some Flowers

Flowers make a great gift. They are a visual and sensual reminder of your love. 

Some women may think flowers are too cliche, but you don't have to worry about that. All you have to do is pick blooms with different meanings. Ask a florist about the symbolism of each kind of flower, and choose the ones that mean the most to you.

The thoughtfulness behind finding out what flowers symbolize and picking them out yourself is what will really win your fiancee over. 

5. Look for Stylish Jewelry

Giving your fiance jewelry can go one of two ways. If you pick out something she doesn't like or that's cliche, she may end up feeling like you didn't put any thought into your gift.

Make your gift a success by getting your fiance stylish jewelry she'll love. Get her a classy watch if she likes to wear one every day. You can also borrow a piece of her jewelry when she's not looking and ask a jeweler to show you similar items.